All students are to carry their “Identify Cards” while in the college campus.
All students are to attend classes wearing clean well-pressed white aprons with their name plates on the left front side of the apron above the pocket.
The students are expected to maintain the highest standard of discipline in their academic and private lives, Material abuse is prohibited.
At the time of admission into the college the students and parents/guardians will have to sign a bond that their children/wards will abide by the rules and regulation of the college.
All the students shall provide for themselves all the prescribed text books, dissecting instruments, medical equipment etc. The college will not supply those to the students.
Pasting of posters on the walls of the college and the hospital premises are strictly prohibited. All types of demonstration, slogan, shouting in the college and hospital premises are strictly prohibited and students involved in them are liable for disciplinary action.
Class Attendance: Students attendances in classes are recorded in attendance registers. Minimum 75% attendance is mandatory prerequisite for appearing in the Professional Examinations (University Examination).
Absence/Leave: In case of illness or other unavoidable reasons of non-attendance, a written statement from the parent/ guardian is to be presented to the teachers concerned, who in turn will submit it to the Principal for approval. Any unauthorized absence/non-attendance in the class will be liable for disciplinary action and a penalty of Tk. 100/- per day will be realized from the student.
Students must behave properly with the staff/employees of the college/hospital. Acts of misbehavior are also acts of indiscipline and liable for disciplinary action.
Cost of loss/damage to college/hospital property is liable to be realized from the student/students found responsible for the loss/ damage of the college/ hospital property.
Any verbal or physical violence to anybody such as students, guardians, teachers and office staff, if detected, the concerned students will be liable to be punished as decided by the college authority.
Political activities are not permitted in the college.